Business & Insurance Services

Skip Tracing
Over the years, the term “skip tracing” has essentially come to mean locating an individual and/or business. This is done primarily through database records and can involve verifying residency through a property owner/manager, a neighbor or a family member.
Contact us at: 707-836-7610

AOE-COE stands for Arising Out of Employment or in the Course of Employment. Generally, this type of investigation involves interviewing managers, co-workers and witnesses in order to secure vital information and establishing the validity of the claim. Investigations of this type are best conducted as soon as possible after the filing of the claim. The investigator can then obtain accurate statements from sources when recollections are still fresh.
Contact us today at: 707-836-7610

Sub-Rosa Surveillance
“Sub-Rosa” has become a byword for investigative operations, usually performed by security services. People can be injured and should expect to be compensated in the event of partial or total disability. However, there have been so many documented cases of fraud over the years that sub-rosa surveillances are often necessary to determine the extent of a claimants true limitations. Information obtained through surveillance can be invaluable in negotiating a claims settlement.
Contact us at: 707-836-7610

Witness Statements
Exactly what happened in any given circumstance is best obtained from witnesses who were present at the time the accident/incident occurred. Obtaining statements can be difficult as many individuals simply do not wish to get involved. This is when a skilled investigator can be the difference between getting the necessary information or coming away empty handed. Here, again, time is of the essence when obtaining witness statements because people can be forgetful and stories are apt to change over time.
Contact us anytime at: 707-836-7610

Employee Theft
What happens when an employee theft is detected? It could be cash, property/inventory, or intellectual. Each of these cases varies and needs to be addressed on an individual basis. Branson Investigative Services works closely with our clients to develop an investigation plan which involves interviewing employees and/or conducting background searches of suspect individuals. In some instances, surveillance can be recommended and polygraph interviews can also be conducted.
Contact us at: 707-836-7610